Testosterone Maxxing

How You Can Optimise your Health using the Testosterone Metric

Hey Everyone,

You are not your body.. But you should hone and develop it anyway. You are not your mind & its content.. But it would be best to learn to focus and direct it anyway. Honour both, be attached to neither. This is vital on the path to self-mastery.

I’ve used many metrics and always recommended measuring what you want to change in your life, amount of workouts, reactions: response ratios, consciousness, and time allocation, but Testosterone has almost been a direct measure of my health as I’ve gone down the path of optimising my lifestyle, purpose and you’ll see in this tweet thread, how I went from rock bottom, to superhuman. You’ll learn how you can Optimise your Health using the Testosterone Metric. https://twitter.com/connorsforsyth/status/1628057070325964801?s=48&t=U8FG8X1l-jeOH2S4RviusQ

There are more holistic ways to measure your health, vitality, and drive, like how many hours you are in a flow state, how driven you feel, and how alive you feel in the morning. I cover all these metrics and more in this Curiosity cultivation notion template.

Any questions, do not hesitate to ask. The objective and subjective awareness metrics are for exploration, as you will most likely resonate with a select few. One thing I guarantee is that this virtue will help you in all aspects of your life.

Update on the ORDi courses and community. I’m looking to have an MVP/Beta coming out end of the week for people interested in ORDi Community and Courses hosted on Skool. Please let me know as we will have weekly Q&A calls and evolve the courses as we collaborate in our pursuit of autonomy, clarity and fulfilment.

Kind regards,

Connor Forsyth

Check out my new website: https://www.ordimastery.com/