Skills, Evolution and Virtues.

Treat yourself and your life as your masterpiece.

Hey Friend,

We must have a beginners mind to begin with when learning new skills.

When new to a job, a process, a system, a habit, or concept application. Our ability is prone to error and our error rate is decreasing towards 0 but never zero over time. This is our pursuit of skill acquisition and turning knowledge into wisdom or unconscious gracefulness.

Competence comes speed. So the more we go head first into problems and bigger problems we will encounter obstacles that will gain us lessons and the quicker we iterate through our obstacles we build momentum in solving the next problems and undoing faulty beliefs we have of our self or current reality.

Progress is not linear but actually exponential. Now that we are acquiring these skills with increasing capacity to not error and lessons learnt integrated, and access to new and bigger problems and combining skills to evolve with compound interest.

Our goal then is to obsess, focus on projects, and learning from our discomfort and obstacles. We will then acquire the skills necessary.

Our personal skills can span, emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. Which all interplay and involve our internal domain.

Our other skills can span, influence, communication, writing, speaking, listening, mindfulness, logical reasoning, technical understanding, and anything else that can help you in business or a highly skilled job.

Some of the easiest and high leverage learnings we can acquire is by choosing to act differently, of a higher level of consciousness, more open, more loving, more courageous, more curious, because these are the virtues or meta-skills that help us in all the prior mentioned skills and integration of all the wisdom we learn.

That’s why some people have greater success and others don’t. We must see where we want our skills to be, create a vision, and work on ourselves as much as we work on our projects.

You are the marble and sculptor. Suffering = pain * resistance. Stop resisting, keep striving, stay mindful.

Much Love,
