Energy Fundamentals

How to leverage fundamental understanding of energy

Hello Friend,

Today we are going to be talking about energy. But first, we will need to outline the variety of domains and contexts.

First, I came across Energy as a concept in Physics and studying in school. This lead me to the understanding, as is commonly understood that everything has a frequency and vibration and is made of energy.

This wasn't helpful until I started understanding systems as things that process, channel, flow, and transform energy. So when looking at self-improvement of the body, I began in the Gym and realised I needed energy to fuel action, basic input and output, with the process being muscle and strength building. Then when I went into my studies and project/passion work in my free time, I realised I had good and bad days depending on my state, thoughts, feeling, and variety of will (functions of the mind).

This brought me to a point where I could start reading philosophy, particularly stoic philosophy, to under the mind as an information processing machine/system, where the totality of my mind could be trained through altering beliefs and world-view (perception functions). Where I begun to understand that information, energy and matter, going off E = MC^2, were all interchangeable.

This surprising simple realisation was not only profound but led me on a spiritual path, which I believe will be useful in this newsletter to clarify how fundamental thinking, from first principles, makes everything far simpler. As I used to think learning more would increase complexity, it does the opposite; everything becomes clearer.

You are either running off previous energy patterns or creating your thoughts and feelings with the will to create your future. I will discuss this more in my upcoming course and how it relates to levels of consciousness/presence of love. But for now, we can understand thoughts are frequency, electric pulses throughout the nervous system, and emotions are energy in motion of the body, correlating to chakras (energy centres) if you are interested in ancient wisdom. Together these thoughts and feelings make up an electromagnetic field or unique signature, which will be the energy field that people refer to as a personality that will attract your personal reality, and the more we evolve is actually, the more we allow divine energy to express fully in line with our soul, this is what manifests growth when the soul is trying to express its self. It is the Souls nature to be loving and self-actualised; this is accelerated by the fact that we are aware before we experience.

You may not have fully understood what I have just spoken about, but that's okay; as long as you feel like you have a soul and you are trying to reach your potential, you are living proof of what I just said to be True.

Now we can think of the human system as a system with three main subsystems, the body, the mind, and the soul.

The body has inputs:

  • Food

  • Light

  • Etc

The body has processes:

  • Healing

  • Adaptation

  • Emotion for communication to the mind

  • Intelligence

The body has outputs:

  • Action

  • Will

The mind has inputs:

  • Information

The mind has processes:

  • Reprogramming

  • Subsconscious

  • Thought

  • Learning and processing

  • Mindfulness (Freedom in the gap of stimulus and response)

  • Intelligence/Cognition

The mind has outputs:

  • Problem solving

  • Decision making

  • Habits

  • Programs (patterns of energy)

The soul has inputs:

  • Divine energy

  • Spirit

  • Essence

  • Love

The soul has processes:

  • Truth

  • Virtue

  • Spirit in action

  • Intention

  • Love

The soul has outputs:

  • Expression

  • Evolution

  • Creation

  • Love

The more you realise this is all energy moving through systems of energy, the more you identify as an energy being, and the more peace you experience as identifying with awareness, consciousness, love, or spirit.

The highest responsibility I've learned from all my learnings over the last few years has been to express oneself most in line with the soul over the mind and body into your personality. To create the most beautiful life possible (personal reality), as Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.

Enjoy the beautiful struggle and learn to move harmoniously with God's will by surrendering more each day.

In programming terms:

def createFuture(intention):

return vibrationalMatch

In system terms:

Speak next week, you beautiful people. May your pure intentions become manifest.

Kind regards,

Connor Forsyth